

Project Producer

Can you imagine the gratifying feeling of being part of a purpose dedicated to the preservation of indigenous wildlife?

On this volunteering journey, you will manage a team of driven individuals who are passionate about making a difference. With your help, our operation will be able to work even more efficiently. By the end of our time together, if you choose to return home, you will have developed valuable management skills and made incredible friendships to last you a lifetime.

However, if you want to stay longer like many of our volunteers tend to do, you can continue your journey as a full-time staff member with even more benefits!

What Your Journey Looks like

  • Coordinating volunteer project work
  • Monitoring duty schedule
  • Managing food budget, planning menus, and shopping trips
  • Managing food garden
  • Minimum 2-month stay (with necessities provided)


  • All-expense paid expeditions
  •  Commission (only available to volunteers who become staff members)
  •  Negotiable percentage of Wildpark GP and/or Unipanel GP and/or Mama Africa GP (only available to volunteers who become staff members)